Invite family & friends, vote on what to invest in as a group, and start building your financial future together
Invest alone, or form groups with family & friends and vote to make investment decisions together. Get started in just a few seconds, no accreditation needed.
Collaborate in Hedge Groups, and explore an inclusive network of communities to discover new ideas, ask questions, and find others to grow alongside.
No one should have to learn to invest by themselves. Start your investor journey together, and grow alongside friends and family.
Hedge offers both Personal Investing (on your own) & Group Investing (with family/friends).
When you initially sign up for Hedge, you'll be creating your Personal Portfolio, which is where you'll make investments by yourself. Once you're approved, you'll be able to start investing with family/friends in a matter of seconds. You can invest in US Exchange-Listed securities, such as equities (stocks) & ETFs.
When you invest in a group, your cash and your investments are always yours. You'll get your own tax forms, no one else has access to your assets but you, and you can leave at any time with the click of a button.
*Brokerage services are provided by Hedge Pro LLC, a registered broker dealer with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), and a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Exclusions, limitations, and additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see our disclosures for additional information.
Form groups, send proposals, and vote on what to invest in together.
Invite family & friends to a new group. Everyone contributes the same amount.
Share ideas (e.g. "Let's invest $5 in Target") and discuss in your group's private chat.
Vote on what to invest in as a group. You'll invest the same amount, and get the same price.
Groups invest together, but you'll get your own tax forms, always have full control over your own cash & investments, and can get out of a group at any time. There are no entities, filings, or red tape involved.
*Brokerage services are provided by Hedge Pro LLC, a registered broker dealer (SEC), and a FINRA/SIPC member. When you first sign up for Hedge, you will be creating a Personal Portfolio, where you will be able to invest on your own. Hedge does not provide any tax or investment advice, and does not make any trade recommendations. All customer accounts are self-directed. Please see our disclosures for additional information.
Send proposals, discuss in the chat, and vote on what to invest in as a group.
When your group is being formed, you'll set a Voting Threshold. There are three options to choose from:
Any group member can send a proposal to buy or sell something. Your Group then votes on whether or not to approve the investment. Members get equal voting power.
You can move assets from any of your Group(s) to your Personal Portfolio at the click of a button. You won't need your Group's permission, and you can sell the position in your Personal Portfolio right away. This allows you to flexibly invest with family and friends, while also making sure that you're never trapped in a Group.
Currently, we allow one withdrawal per Group, per day. We plan to increase this limit over time. Please see "What if I need to get some or all of my assets out of a group?" for more information.
*Currently, we allow one withdrawal per Group, per day. We plan to increase this limit over time. Please see "What if I need to get some or all of my assets out of a group?" for more information. Use of the Group Investing Features may not be suitable for all investors. Additional terms apply. Please see our Customer Agreement, and other terms and conditions in our Disclosures Library for additional information.
Certain actions do not require your Group's approval, such as moving assets out of a Group.
Assets moved from a Group will be made available in your Personal Portfolio in as little as 10 seconds. This ensures you are never stuck in a Group. It also provides a way for you to sell a position that other Members of your Group don't want to sell, without their incurring a capital gain or loss.
Investing is a critical part of building your financial future. On your own, it can seem scary, uncertain, and daunting. That's why the vast majority of investors in the US are onboarded into investing by family, friends, and peers.
Groups may be new as a product, but the concept certainly isn't, and it's not just for retail. Many professional investors, like hedge funds and venture capital firms, invest in groups, share ideas, and make decisions together. The fact is, we learn how to do most things in our lives with other people, whether it be practicing a team sport, schooling, training for a new job, or anything else.
Investing products today are isolating, siloed, and rely on those around you to help get you started. Many of us don't have anyone who can help with that, and even if we do, it's not something existing products are built to support. That's where we come in.
Hedge Groups are built to get you from zero to one. Our aim, is that Groups will help you get comfortable investing by making it easier to learn and grow together. We offer a full range of personal investment products and services as well, so you can invest on your own when you're ready, you can invest with family and friends, or you can do both!
*All language above is general in nature. Statements are as of the published date and derive from various research studies conducted and published by FINRA, Nasdaq, and various financial institutions and non-profits. This is not a recommendation, solicitation, or investment advice. Hedge does not offer investment advice, recommendations, or solicitations. This is not a solicitation to join a Hedge Group, to engage in any form of investment strategy, or to make any other financial decision. GIFs may not be suitable for all investors. Hedge cannot guarantee, and does not in any way intend to claim or assert that you will perform better in a Group than on your own, or that our GIFs are suitable for you. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please see our disclosures page for additional information.
Our mission is to empower underserved communities to build wealth, and to restore upward mobility to the American Dream, and beyond.
Hundreds of millions of people are currently unbrokered. A large part of the challenge for many is not having anyone around them who can help get them started. Investing products today are isolating, and are often built with a specific, wealthy clientele in mind, who grow up in an entirely different world than the rest of us, and who have different problems and pain points.
Financial institutions have not historically been built by (or for) people who understand this. We do.
*All language above is general in nature. This is not a recommendation, solicitation, or investment advice. Hedge does not offer investment advice, recommendations, or solicitations. This is not a solicitation to join a Hedge Group, to engage in any form of investment strategy, or to make any other financial decision, without limitation. GIFs may not be suitable for all investors. Hedge cannot guarantee, and does not in any way intend to claim or assert that you will perform better in a Group than on your own, or that our GIFs are suitable for you. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please see our disclosures page for additional information.
We're committed to being transparent, and strive to charge the lowest fees possible. Our rationale is simple. We're making a long-term investment in you, with the goal that you'll stick with us over time, and creating a true win-win for both of us.
Assets: We get paid a small percentage by banks and other financial institutions (not by you) for customer assets.
Subscriptions: We offer a variety of freemium & optional premium subscriptions.
Very Limited Fees: We have a few fees, some of which are optional. Most are event driven, or for irregular or expensive requests (e.g. paper statements). To keep fees as low as possible, we try to limit these to where we incur costs while providing our services to you.
Our long-term goal is to be your primary financial institution for life.
Now, we actually really do care about the people we started Hedge to serve - but that's what everyone says, right? Here's how you know you can trust us. If you stick with us for life, we'll make exponentially more than if we were to lose you to a competing brokerage. That's not by charging you above average fees later in life either, it's just the way compounding works. We're making a bet that by investing in you, you'll be more likely to stick with us. As a result, we're heavily incentivized to do everything in our power to help you succeed.
*These figures are heavily generalized, informational in nature, and rely on various assumptions and predictive modeling that may not apply to each individual person equally. This statement assumes acquisition early in life and high retention of wallet share over time, as well as growth and successful cross-selling into products and services that may not yet be available. This is not a recommendation, investment advice, or a solicitation of any kind. This statement does not mean that there are no current conflicts of interest present. This statement is not intended to apply the provision of any portfolio monitoring services, advisory services, or assistance of any kind, without limitation. Hedge does not offer professional advice of any kind without limitation, such as any form of egal, accounting, tax, or investment advice. Please see our disclosures page, as well as our fee schedule, our Form CRS, and other applicable materials for additional information.
No, you do not need to be accredited. With Hedge, anyone can start investing together with family and friends in a matter of seconds.
*You must be at least 18 years old, have a valid US address, and be a US-citizen or permanent resident to be eligible to sign up for Hedge. Your meeting these requirements in of themselves is not a guarantee that you will be eligible to use the Hedge platform, or to open a brokerage account with Hedge. Please see our disclosures page with additional information.
You can start investing together with as little as $25 per person!
*Our clearing firm mandates a minimum size of $5 per trade. As a result, we may enforce a slightly higher minimum size on certain accounts, or on additional Groups if you have more than one to help cover our costs. Please see our disclosures page with additional information.